Net Worth Calculator

Estimate the current value of your house (and other real estate you own).
What’s the total amount you still owe on your mortgage (and other properties you own)?
How much money do you currently have in your checking account(s)?
How much credit card debt do you owe? Enter the total amount, not monthly payments.
How much money do you currently have in your savings account(s)?
Do you have any personal loan debt (i.e. family or friends, payday loans)?
How much money do you have in 401(k)s, 403(b)s, IRAs, or other retirement accounts?
Do you have student loan debt? Enter the total amount owed, not monthly payments.
Estimate the current value of your car (and other vehicles you own).
How much do you owe on your vehicle(s)? Enter the total amount owed, not monthly payments.
Estimate the value of any antiques, jewelry, stocks, bonds, business assets, etc.
List any other debts you owe (i.e. medical bills, business loans, HELOCs).

Net Worth Calculator - Mobile

Estimate the current value of your house (and other real estate you own).
How much money do you currently have in your checking account(s)?
How much money do you currently have in your savings account(s)?
How much money do you have in 401(k)s, 403(b)s, IRAs, or other retirement accounts?
Estimate the current value of your car (and other vehicles you own).
Estimate the value of any antiques, jewelry, stocks, bonds, business assets, etc.
What’s the total amount you still owe on your mortgage (and other properties you own)?
How much credit card debt do you owe? Enter the total amount, not monthly payments.
Do you have any personal loan debt (i.e. family or friends, payday loans)?
Do you have student loan debt? Enter the total amount owed, not monthly payments.
How much do you owe on your vehicle(s)? Enter the total amount owed, not monthly payments.
List any other debts you owe (i.e. medical bills, business loans, HELOCs).